viernes, 5 de octubre de 2018

exercises second conditional


                     Resultado de imagen para imagenes de titulo con second conditionals
1) If I (be) you, I (get) a new job.

2) If he younger, he  more.

3) If we (not/be) friends, I  (be) angry with you.

4) If I  (have) enough money, I  (buy) a big house.

5) If she  (not/be) always so late, she  (be) promoted.

6) If we  (win) the lottery, we  (travel) the world.

7) If you  (have) a better job, we  (be) able to buy a new car.

8) If I  (speak) perfect English, I (have) a good job.

9) If we  (live) in Mexico, I  (speak) Spanish.

10) If she  (pass) the exam, she  (be) able to enter university.

11) She  (be) happier if she  (have) more friends.

12) We  (buy) a house if we (decide) to stay here.

13) They  (have) more money if they  (not/buy) so many clothes.
14) We (come) to dinner if we  (have) time.

15) She (call) him if she  (have) his number.

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